Unique Culture In Papua
Sabtu, 21 April 2012
Molo tradition
Traditional fishing techniques vary widely in Papua, among others, by using means of transport such as paddle boats, outboard motors, long boat and speed boat. The use of this tool closely related to the purpose of meeting the needs of families (subsistence) and fishing are also sources of family income. In addition, the use of means of transport in determining the fishermen cruising to the fishing location.
In addition to transportation, use of fishing gear is also very influential on fish catches by local fishermen. Traditional fisherman in Papua generally use simple fishing gear and the hereditary nature of such hooks, nets and kalawai (tool type of spear). The use of tools other than closely related to fishing techniques performed by the local fishermen are also related to seasonal conditions.
"Molo" (according to the local dialect) means a dive to catch fish with a tool for archery arrows the fish. Molo is a fishing technique known from generation to generation are usually passed on to younger generations. The length of time varies depending on the skills of diving fishermen who often perform this activity.What is interesting dives made without the use of diving equipment, other than submarine glasses. Other tools which is a kind of fish or arrow in the local dialect known as the "Jubi". Jubi is usually made of some material variations include wood, wire, rubber and iron. At the time of Molo, fishermen usually spend 2-3 hours with varying dive depths ranged from 10-20 minutes to get caught.Therefore they are often doing activities molo to catch fish most often experience hearing loss.
Dives are usually done at night when the moon is shining brightly or in local terms as "dark moon". In the dark atmosphere of the moon, believed that sensitivity of fish to the presence of fishermen will be reduced and they can not see the fishermen who dive. Therefore do not be surprised if in this condition fisherman can bring home a pretty good haul.
Pace of development of coastal Papua, currently open access to and from new areas that were previously isolated. It also indirectly affects the use of fishing equipment by local fishermen. Development of the type of fishing gear used began to shift to modern equipment are easily available and sold in the city.Besides the opening of the isolation area also opens up a number of marketing opportunities catches. No wonder the state is involved also affect the use of more modern equipment so that more efficient in increasing the catch, which in turn increases the income of fishermen involved.
Although currently there is development of the use of modern fishing gear, fishing practices in traditional ways, including Molo, still remain a part of everyday small-scale traditional fishermen with limited capital. On the one hand it is very alarming and requires serious attention to the relevant technical agencies in order to boost production and income of fishermen pengingkatan. On the other hand, development is currently one of the factors that are slowly beginning to shift the activity and the use of traditional fishing gear to capture the more advanced techniques with modern equipment as well. Molo although the technique is traditionally a relic of the past generation that needs to be maintained and preserved because in addition to environmentally friendly and sustainable is that utilizes local indigenous ingredients around with the main objective for subsistence.
Jumat, 13 April 2012
Lake Sentani Festival

This festival is a testament to the maintenance of unity and oneness among fellow tribe, race, religion. Established a very strong nationalist among others, given in Papua consists of hundreds of small tribes who sometimes easy bentrok.Tiga FDS principal agenda, in addition to the carnival culture of the archipelago include performances, exhibitions papua art, and tour attractions.
"Lake Sentani Festival" (FDS) is a grand cultural feast held annually in Jayapura regency, Papua, and is an event to introduce the land of Papua to the international community so that the right to say "The world knows Papua through Lake Sentani Festival" ..
"Millions of human children on this earth until this moment are not familiar with and know very well and correctly entrails rich culture, natural resources and people of Papua. That's why the Lake Sentani Festival is an event to introduce the wealth of Papua to the international community,".

"We love the culture for our own future that motivated Papua love of human existence through the strengthening of cultural character and its tradition as an integral part of human life of a child born of his mother's womb that is the land of Papua,".
Implementation of the FDS was held with the feel of unique and innovative in three main concepts, namely the concept of race performances and cultural attractions that is typical of Papua, which exhibits the concept of promotion, investment and trade and the third is the concept of the tour an exciting tour to enjoy the beautiful panorama of Lake Sentani, visited the village Tablanusu tourist and other attractions.
Many people in the world do not know and know very well that a very large fortune in the land of Papua. For this reason it is necessary to develop the tourism industry as tourism world over can recognize Papua with all his wealth to be processed for the welfare of the people of Papua.
Papua has a tremendous natural wealth is also rich with culture. Many people in the world did not know that Papua with all his wealth, so we have to introduce tourism in Papua through the program by holding a cultural festival like this.
Governor of Papua Province "Barnabas Suebu", invited all the components of the Papuan people to have a great idea, but start with small ones, from this day. "We've developed a concept of Papua with Papua because it has great potential, both natural and potential culture. All ecosystems on earth are united in the garden of Paradise Earth Lorentznya. No part of this earth that has a very large species richness than in Papua. And many people in the world do not know the richness of it, "he said.
In the area of irrigated Memberamo Memberamo River there are so many species, but to date not a single tourist visiting the River Memberamo it.Papua, has 250 tribes with 250 languages. This is a tremendous wealth. We can get to know people if we know the language.
"Language is unmasked to get to know people and cultures. If you do not understand the language then you would not understand the people. We must start from small things, although not perfect,".
Lake Sentani cultural festival is the beginning of a new beginning. All people in Jayapura and FDS committee is committed to providing excellent service to the visitors of this cultural feast to produce a good impression too.
Lake Sentani cultural party program aimed at supporting the Government in the field of tourism while strengthening the identity of indigenous Papuans as the main pillar of support and preservation of indigenous cultures of Papua to enduring the heat and not weathered by rain and waves of modern human civilization.
"FDS aims to raise and preserve the cultural values of indigenous Papuans and packaged in such a way as to be of cultural packages ready for sale to tourists, both Wisman and Wisdom,"
Through this FDS, was introduced to the potential of cultural tourism potential, especially in Papua Jayapura to the tourists; encourage the development of attractions and encourage investment growth and development of the tourism industry in particular.
FDS participants, is a traditional society that came from at least 24 villages in the district of Jayapura. They will feature a variety of traditional dances of Papua on the boat and non-boat dance, traditional crafts and other cultural exhibits
Historically, the first time Sentani name called by a Christian Pastor BL Bin when carrying out missionary work in the area of this lake in 1898. "Sentani mean we live here in peace,".
Jayapura district has an area of 17 516 km2 and has split the two new districts, namely District Sarmi and Keerom District. Population of 12 369 people living in 137 villages. Area of Lake Sentani Km2.Terdapat 21 110 small islands adorn this beautiful lake.
In Lake Sentani developed freshwater fisheries. There are 29 species of freshwater fish and three of them are native species of Lake Sentani. Fish Lake Sentani cork (Oxyeleotris heterodon), Rainbow Fish Sentani (Chilatherina sentaniensis), Rainbow Fish Red (Glossolepis incisus) and Shark chainsaw (Pristis Microdon).Sentani lake is rich in diverse marine life and has been utilized for the cultivation of freshwater fish. Sentani lake is also used as a tourist location for swimming, boating, diving, fishing, water skiing and culinary tours. Among the three fish endemic to Lake Sentani whose population is dwindling fish Lake Sentani cork, this is because the fish eggs are eaten by fish species other than cork. is one of the original species Sentani lake that does not exist in the area or any other country in the world.
In this lake of Lake Sentani Festival is also held to attract tourists. Lake Sentani Festival is usually held in mid-June of each year, FDS has established itself as an annual festival and included in the main tourism calendar. The festival is filled with traditional dances on the boat, Papua typical war dances, traditional ceremonies such as coronation Ondoafi, and serving a variety of culinary Papua.
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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Epen ka Cupen toh
Mop word comes from a noun (noun) Dutch: mop, a joke. The singular is (een) mop = (a) a joke while the plural form, moppen, mean jokes. Dutch period in West Papua or the Nederlands Nieuw Guinea Papua introduced to the Dutch education.
April Fool's terms: Jokes April. The date falls on 1 April each year.
To introduce this culture, there are teachers who outwit the Dutch students in accordance pilihannya.Tom Papua, said a Dutch teacher to a student of the famous comic and head winds in the classroom, what do you want to keep mosquitoes at jidatmu suck your blood? You did not slap him? Tom believed that very soon said the teacher slapped his forehead that is not their blood sucked by a mosquito sekalipun.Tom see his hands are not bloody and beaten without mosquito crushed and confused. April Fool's Day, her teacher said with a smile. Each 1 April, people in the Netherlands to outwit each other and this tradition has been going on for hundreds of years, he explained
Perhaps, the Dutch did not think of Western culture joke that they are introduced in the Dutch period in New Guinea or West Papua would be an impression as a cultural play (fun) typical of Papua. Play their culture is expressed through the farce they call a typical Papuan mob, a term which I think should be tailored to the Dutch spelling.
There is also the tradition of April joke in the UK. In English, he called April Fools Day
Day of April joke, or All Fools Day, All Day joke.
As in the Netherlands, this day falls on April 1.
Day joke April is estimated to begin in France at the time of the new calendar replaced the old calendar in 1582. At that time, Carl IX is still the king of France, and the Christian calendar is not set January 1 as New Year Celebration renewed. The new calendar replaced the old calendars: Gregorian Calendar. (The new calendar is so named in honor of Gregory XIII, Pope of the Catholic Church between 1572-1585; it was he who introduced this calendar.) Before the change, the Christian New Year celebrations during the week,
between March 25 and April 1. With the enactment of the new calendar, the celebration was brought forward or postponed to January 1.
But socialization change the date to celebrate the New Year had been slowed in France since the 1582 Gregorian calendar applicable legal. There is no means of delivering information changes in a matter of days, hours, minutes or even seconds, such as telephone, mobile, radio, television, or Internet today. As a result of inaction socialization, some people or new community know about the calendar change was a few years later.
But the others, though it was told, still refused to accept the calendar changes. They decided to celebrate New Year according to the date of the old Christian,
this time it was dropped on 1 April. Classes of French society was stubborn and labeled fools (fools) by other community groups who already receive the calendar changes itu.Tidak leave it at that judgment upon them. They were the subject of ridicule and dikerjain. They, for example, received submissions and invitations to attend the reception pernikahan.Orang plain stupid or is coming to the show by wearing business attire and bring a wedding gift but find that marriage does not exist.
Tradition of trick people on April 1, it is gradually spreading to Western European countries that lain.Hari joke was known and practiced in England and Scotland in the 18th century.
He was then introduced into the United States, at that time still a British colony, the British and did not miss Perancis.Belanda influenced tradition of April joke.
Then they introduce this tradition in Dutch New Guinea or West Papua.
Papua pupils who learn from the Dutch masters and cultural practice at his school friends every 1 April.
After the Dutch left West Papua, the tradition of April joke turned into a joke typical meaning is then called a mob Papua.Lelucon. Instead, he spelled according to the original word in Dutch: mop.Anda a glimpse of the influence of French culture that became a culture in Papua over the role of the Dutch. In contrast to the culture of international jokes day which falls on 1 April, the Papuans do not celebrate it. They just adopted the funny elements in a variety of funny stories which they call a typical Papuan mop
Maybe for people who have never heard a mop, would be confused and not understand what was in talking about and why after the mop convey a lot of people laugh out loud, it was all caused because the mop is delivered with an accent and dialect of Papua rapid and high-pitched . But for people who live in Papua itself, mop the material conveyed refreshing.Mop when the people were gathered in sore.Di when such an incredible entertainment match went to the mall or shopping ..
April Fool's terms: Jokes April. The date falls on 1 April each year.
To introduce this culture, there are teachers who outwit the Dutch students in accordance pilihannya.Tom Papua, said a Dutch teacher to a student of the famous comic and head winds in the classroom, what do you want to keep mosquitoes at jidatmu suck your blood? You did not slap him? Tom believed that very soon said the teacher slapped his forehead that is not their blood sucked by a mosquito sekalipun.Tom see his hands are not bloody and beaten without mosquito crushed and confused. April Fool's Day, her teacher said with a smile. Each 1 April, people in the Netherlands to outwit each other and this tradition has been going on for hundreds of years, he explained
Perhaps, the Dutch did not think of Western culture joke that they are introduced in the Dutch period in New Guinea or West Papua would be an impression as a cultural play (fun) typical of Papua. Play their culture is expressed through the farce they call a typical Papuan mob, a term which I think should be tailored to the Dutch spelling.
There is also the tradition of April joke in the UK. In English, he called April Fools Day
Day of April joke, or All Fools Day, All Day joke.
As in the Netherlands, this day falls on April 1.
Day joke April is estimated to begin in France at the time of the new calendar replaced the old calendar in 1582. At that time, Carl IX is still the king of France, and the Christian calendar is not set January 1 as New Year Celebration renewed. The new calendar replaced the old calendars: Gregorian Calendar. (The new calendar is so named in honor of Gregory XIII, Pope of the Catholic Church between 1572-1585; it was he who introduced this calendar.) Before the change, the Christian New Year celebrations during the week,
between March 25 and April 1. With the enactment of the new calendar, the celebration was brought forward or postponed to January 1.
But socialization change the date to celebrate the New Year had been slowed in France since the 1582 Gregorian calendar applicable legal. There is no means of delivering information changes in a matter of days, hours, minutes or even seconds, such as telephone, mobile, radio, television, or Internet today. As a result of inaction socialization, some people or new community know about the calendar change was a few years later.
But the others, though it was told, still refused to accept the calendar changes. They decided to celebrate New Year according to the date of the old Christian,
this time it was dropped on 1 April. Classes of French society was stubborn and labeled fools (fools) by other community groups who already receive the calendar changes itu.Tidak leave it at that judgment upon them. They were the subject of ridicule and dikerjain. They, for example, received submissions and invitations to attend the reception pernikahan.Orang plain stupid or is coming to the show by wearing business attire and bring a wedding gift but find that marriage does not exist.
Tradition of trick people on April 1, it is gradually spreading to Western European countries that lain.Hari joke was known and practiced in England and Scotland in the 18th century.
He was then introduced into the United States, at that time still a British colony, the British and did not miss Perancis.Belanda influenced tradition of April joke.
Then they introduce this tradition in Dutch New Guinea or West Papua.
Papua pupils who learn from the Dutch masters and cultural practice at his school friends every 1 April.
After the Dutch left West Papua, the tradition of April joke turned into a joke typical meaning is then called a mob Papua.Lelucon. Instead, he spelled according to the original word in Dutch: mop.Anda a glimpse of the influence of French culture that became a culture in Papua over the role of the Dutch. In contrast to the culture of international jokes day which falls on 1 April, the Papuans do not celebrate it. They just adopted the funny elements in a variety of funny stories which they call a typical Papuan mop
Maybe for people who have never heard a mop, would be confused and not understand what was in talking about and why after the mop convey a lot of people laugh out loud, it was all caused because the mop is delivered with an accent and dialect of Papua rapid and high-pitched . But for people who live in Papua itself, mop the material conveyed refreshing.Mop when the people were gathered in sore.Di when such an incredible entertainment match went to the mall or shopping ..
Some examples of mop :
Hadiah Valentine dari Yakob
Nonce menangis, jadi Mince tanya, "Nonce ko kenapa?"
Nonce jawab, "Mince, hari ini valentine day's baru Yakob kasih saya bunga."
Mince bilang, "Bagus to? It tandanya Yakob sayang ko, makanya dia kasih ko bunga."
Nonce bongkar menangis karena emosi dia bilang,
"Mince, kalo Yakob kasih bunga mawar ato melati trapapa! Ini Yakob kasih saya bunga pepaya!"
Nonce jawab, "Mince, hari ini valentine day's baru Yakob kasih saya bunga."
Mince bilang, "Bagus to? It tandanya Yakob sayang ko, makanya dia kasih ko bunga."
Nonce bongkar menangis karena emosi dia bilang,
"Mince, kalo Yakob kasih bunga mawar ato melati trapapa! Ini Yakob kasih saya bunga pepaya!"
Lima Pemuda Papua Pemberani
Suatu hari Pace Yaklep ko dekati 4 orang anak muda yang sedang duduk-duduk pinggir jalan, dan meminta uang secara paksa.
Saat minta uang pace Yaklep angkat bicara dengan nada menggertak, "Siapa Berani Di Sini??"
Satu dari pemuda berdiri dan berkata, "Sa Berani!"
Yaklep menggertak sekali lagi, "Ayo! Siapa Lagi yang Berani??!"
Pemuda berikutnya berdiri dan berkata, "Sa Juga Berani!!"
Yaklep itu mulai gentar, tapi dia terus menggertak, "Siapa Lagi??!"
Dua pemuda berikutnya berdiri dan berkata, "Kami Berani, Kenapa!"
Yaklep pu nyali becek dan berkata, "Kalau Begitu Kitorang Lima Pemuda Pemberani!!"
Saat minta uang pace Yaklep angkat bicara dengan nada menggertak, "Siapa Berani Di Sini??"
Satu dari pemuda berdiri dan berkata, "Sa Berani!"
Yaklep menggertak sekali lagi, "Ayo! Siapa Lagi yang Berani??!"
Pemuda berikutnya berdiri dan berkata, "Sa Juga Berani!!"
Yaklep itu mulai gentar, tapi dia terus menggertak, "Siapa Lagi??!"
Dua pemuda berikutnya berdiri dan berkata, "Kami Berani, Kenapa!"
Yaklep pu nyali becek dan berkata, "Kalau Begitu Kitorang Lima Pemuda Pemberani!!"
Cara Mengungkapkan Cinta di Papua
Seorang pemuda Papua mengungkapkan cintanya pada seorang gadis. Begini dialog nya:
Pemuda : "Ade, beta su lama jatuh cinta ke ade. Ade mau jadi kaka pu pacar ka?"
Cewek : "Adooo, kaka. Tra bisa. Sa masih sekolah."
Pemuda : "Ooooo.. kaka kira ade sudah libur..."
Pemuda : "Ade, beta su lama jatuh cinta ke ade. Ade mau jadi kaka pu pacar ka?"
Cewek : "Adooo, kaka. Tra bisa. Sa masih sekolah."
Pemuda : "Ooooo.. kaka kira ade sudah libur..."
Bukti Cinta di Dada
Mantri pace Yaklep pacaran deng perem SMA… Pas hari Jumat siang pulang kerja tempo jadi, Pace Yaklep ko apel ka ini di perem pu rumah… Pas perem ada duduk potong sayur… dorang dua cerita rame e...
Yaklep : "Ade, ko tau di dunia nih kak cuma sayang ko saja..."
Perem : "Aeh, stop sudah..."
Yaklep: "Beh, ade… kaka tra tipu..."
Perem : "Iyo, ntar balik ke rumah sakit... ktemu suster satu bilang begitu juga.."
Yaklep : "Siooo... ade kak tra tipu..."
Perem : "Sa tra percaya..."
Yaklep: "Ade... klo ko tra percaya, ko blah kk pu dada sudah... ko liat... cuma ko pu nama saja yang ada di situ..."
Pas perem ko ada pegang pisau n mo iris bawang.... dan perem ko tekan pisau di bawang.
Yaklep : "Sungguh-sungguh sampe kena di papan iris ka ini..."
Perem : "Ah, kaka... betul ka?" (sambil kas tunjuk pisau)
Yaklep: "Ah, ade... lebih baik USG saja sudah... supaya ko liat ko pu nama yang kaka Pilox... epenkah..."
Yaklep : "Ade, ko tau di dunia nih kak cuma sayang ko saja..."
Perem : "Aeh, stop sudah..."
Yaklep: "Beh, ade… kaka tra tipu..."
Perem : "Iyo, ntar balik ke rumah sakit... ktemu suster satu bilang begitu juga.."
Yaklep : "Siooo... ade kak tra tipu..."
Perem : "Sa tra percaya..."
Yaklep: "Ade... klo ko tra percaya, ko blah kk pu dada sudah... ko liat... cuma ko pu nama saja yang ada di situ..."
Pas perem ko ada pegang pisau n mo iris bawang.... dan perem ko tekan pisau di bawang.
Yaklep : "Sungguh-sungguh sampe kena di papan iris ka ini..."
Perem : "Ah, kaka... betul ka?" (sambil kas tunjuk pisau)
Yaklep: "Ah, ade... lebih baik USG saja sudah... supaya ko liat ko pu nama yang kaka Pilox... epenkah..."
Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012
Food with amazing flavor,hmm..yummy !
As with other areas, Papua also have distinctive food that is not less interesting totry. Many people know him as sago worms.
Food is trusted by the community Kamoro as foods that can make them healthierbecause of the high vitamin content. Generally, sago worms living on sago trunk.These delicacies yourself credible instead of eggs that hatch after the rotting tree trunks which then resulted in many beetles that spawn there.
Presentation of food is almost like a delicious and savory sate.Hidangan even thisis often called "Manggia" by the local community
Fresh sago worms are captured in the former harvest sago tree is then washed, and then immediately cooked by stir-fry over low heat in, given a little spice flavor, thenserved hot. When you first enter my mouth, feeling very tasty caterpillars this feelslike the melt in the mouth, very soft, and of course it was very delicious! Texture likemarshmallows with flavors such as fatty meat is very tender but more tasty. Yummy!
Sago worm (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is a type of caterpillar which can only bemet at the Sago tree. Caterpillars are brownish white, very soft-textured, and have a pretty hard head. Sago worm can be found in places that have endemic plant sagoas the Moluccas, New Guinea, or Papua New Guinea.
Sago worms are also a staple food of the Asmat. His usual sago worms live in thetrunk of the sago tree and if it will be in the eating, the caterpillar wrapped sago palm leaves, sprinkled with sago, and baked in the coals. In addition, vegetables and grilled fish used as a complement
Food is trusted by the community Kamoro as foods that can make them healthierbecause of the high vitamin content. Generally, sago worms living on sago trunk.These delicacies yourself credible instead of eggs that hatch after the rotting tree trunks which then resulted in many beetles that spawn there.
Presentation of food is almost like a delicious and savory sate.Hidangan even thisis often called "Manggia" by the local community
Fresh sago worms are captured in the former harvest sago tree is then washed, and then immediately cooked by stir-fry over low heat in, given a little spice flavor, thenserved hot. When you first enter my mouth, feeling very tasty caterpillars this feelslike the melt in the mouth, very soft, and of course it was very delicious! Texture likemarshmallows with flavors such as fatty meat is very tender but more tasty. Yummy!
Sago worm (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is a type of caterpillar which can only bemet at the Sago tree. Caterpillars are brownish white, very soft-textured, and have a pretty hard head. Sago worm can be found in places that have endemic plant sagoas the Moluccas, New Guinea, or Papua New Guinea.
Sago worms are also a staple food of the Asmat. His usual sago worms live in thetrunk of the sago tree and if it will be in the eating, the caterpillar wrapped sago palm leaves, sprinkled with sago, and baked in the coals. In addition, vegetables and grilled fish used as a complement
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