Honai has a small door and have small windows, these windows serve to emit lightinto a closed room, there are also honai who do not have to honai jendala women in general.
Honai structure built narrow or small in order to withstand the cold mountains. Insidethis honai they put fire on tenga-tenga to warm their bodies at night.
Honai house is divided into three types, namely:
Hi Tonggoi is Honai for men. Made larger in order to accommodate all men, whether traveling as well as the heads of families in one village. In the men's hi thistonggoi used bonfire in the middle and talk about the life of the present andthe future. The parents gather His sons, in this honai and every night to teach themmany things about the prevailing norms in society, and many of those discussed in this honai.
Hi Onggoi is Honai women. In particular women honai for Mothers and daughtersonly, the form of rather small honainya within their family size.
Boe Nai is a pig pen. Honai is built only for the maintenance pi
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